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What are the eligibility requirements to compete at the Miss California USA or Miss California Teen USA Competition?

If you are single, never married, never given birth to or have adopted a child, a United States citizen, a resident of the State of California for at least 3 months prior to the competition weekend, or are a full-time student in a California school, and you were born in the years specified on the APPLY page, you are eligible to apply. Please see the APPLY page for more specific information.


Are there any height or weight requirements to compete?

No. There are no required height, weight or specific measurements that qualify you to compete. The selection committee is looking for good physical health and personality.


What happens after I submit my application?

After your application has been received, it is reviewed by our pageant office, who will notify you by email if you are selected to represent your hometown along with a time to be on an informational zoom call to go over all aspects of the pageant. Should you accept your selection, the registration materials will be sent to you. Please fill out the application fully. These responses are not shared or used in the competition weekend.


What are the costs to compete?

Each delegate is responsible for paying a registration fee, which covers the production of competition weekend, meals during the pageant weekend, and all related activities. We will provide you with all information to help you find sponsors to help cover the cost to compete.


How can I secure Sponsors?

Sponsorship can help defray the costs associated with entry fee, wardrobe, etc. Sponsors can include, but are not limited to your family, friends, local businesses, sororities, organizations and clubs, schools, etc. You may secure sponsors from anywhere in or out of state. Take this opportunity to perfect your communications skills. Many local businesses will be supportive when you share your goals with them. If selected, you will receive Official Paperwork to help secure sponsorship. It is possible to not incur any out of pocket expenses.


What is the judging criteria for the pageant?

1/3 Interview, 1/3 Physical Fitness, 1/3 Evening Gown


Interview-You will appear before the selection committee in a private setting for a three minute interview. The Selection Committee will use this opportunity to consider your personality, and overall presence. They will discuss items directly from your interview form that you previously completed. This is your chance to express your opinions, ability to communicate, and overall sense of self. You may be asked questions regarding your family, education, hobbies, occupation, community involvement, goals, likes and dislikes. ALL Interviews are conversational. During the on stage interview competition, the Selection Committee is looking for the same qualities, and also how you handle speaking in front of an audience. Swimsuit scores are assessed on overall physical fitness, beauty, poise and if you demonstrate a healthy lifestyle. Physical measurements are not considered. The Evening Gown segment will focus on stage presence, confidence, elegance, poise, overall appearance, and sense of fashion and style.


What happens if I win Miss California USA or Miss California Teen USA?

There are certain responsibilities that accompany the privilege of becoming a state USA titleholder. We understand the importance of school and family and will make every effort to schedule appearances around those priorities. Appearances include speaking engagements, modeling, charity events, galas, trade shows, etc. The biggest commitment is your responsibility to represent our state in the national MISS USA or MISS TEEN USA pageant. This can vary from a one to three week trip.


When is the last day to register for the state pageant?

The last day to register will be announced shortly.


Am I too old for the pageant?

The judges are never directed, at any point of time, to consider age when choosing a State winner. Age is only a factor in determining which division you'll compete in and if you meet the age requirements as stated in the Official rules and regulations.


Do I have to spend a fortune on wardrobe?

Not at all! You don't need to spend a fortune on swimwear and/or active wear, an interview outfit, or an evening gown. It's most important to find outfits that you'll feel confident in and that best suit you and your personality. The personal choice of gowns has spanned from simple and elegant to hand-beaded. However, it is never the gown that the judges are scoring; it’s the young women wearing it.


Is there a talent portion in the competition?

No, there's no performing talent competition. There are three equally scored categories which include: interview, activewear (teen) / swimsuit (miss), and evening gown.


Is there an on stage question?

This portion will be judged on the girl’s overall presentation and impression. The judges will judge this portion after they have seen the girls compete in all phases of the competition. The girls will be judged on their presentation of their answer as well as overall impression during the competition in all phases.


What happens if I am unable to meet the deadline?

Deadlines are very important to us to make timely program preparations. However, we realize that unexpected circumstances can arise and that the collection of sponsorship may take longer than expected.  Therefore, extensions of due dates are available when needed. If you need an extension, please call or email the pageant office.


How do I contact the Miss California USA Office if I have more questions?

You may contact us by filling out the 'Get In Touch' form below in the footer if you have additional questions.

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